Monday, 28 March 2011

why worry?

i wonder how many people are sitting around wondering "what?! why?! who is he?! and why didnt she say anything?!". based on my facebook page, i guess it is quite a few. but as a good friend says, why should i let what anyone else thinks bother me? it isn't their wedding. it's yours.

and you know what? shes right. you always hear those cheesy stories of people meeting each other and just knowing that the other person was the one. i used to roll my eyes and think, get real. until i met him. when you have a connection with someone that is so strong that you miss them terribly when they are away, always have something to talk about, never argue over a thing, encourage each other to be better and healthier people, then you cant deny that this isnt the person you were meant to spend the rest of your life with. i found a person that makes every day better just by being there. someone that motivates me, supports me, and loves me just as much as i love him (even though he claims he loves me more ;)). i feel like i dont need to offer any explanation for why we got married, why we didnt tell many people, and why there were no invites. the only people that needed to be there were the two of us.

i know that everyone is dying to see pictures from the wedding. mortens good friend took some amazing photos that i will have to sit down and sort through to put onto facebook, with mortens help of course. but, just to give you a teaser...

and that's before the ceremony :)

after the wedding we headed on a surprise trip (well, a surprise for me at least) to berlin. morten had planned it a long time before we knew what date the wedding would be, so it was sweet that it was like a mini-honeymoon. it was such a nice weekend. berlin is a great city, the sun was shining constantly, the food was great, and we really got to relax and unwind.

here are the highlights:

delicious brunch! oh i could eat this now!

very cool concept gourmet store. all ingredients are packaged into servings, with the recipes, and accompanying wine.

bench break in the sun on under der linden

speaks for itself

delicious elvis burger: peanut butter, banana, pineapple, jack daniels marinated beef. GOOD.

getting in touch with our inner 7th graders

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