how do you describe something so simple, but yet so delicious? danes have these very airy treats that they like to call flødeboller, or cream balls. hahaha. ok, so maybe cream puff is a better translation. anyway, a fluffy mix of egg whites & sugar is whipped to a perfect consistency and put into a pastry bag. you then pipe out the fluff onto these simple wafers. the fluffy mixture has the consistency of marshmellow fluff, and is pretty difficult to control inside the pastry bag. once you have piped this onto the wafer, the real fun part truly begins.. dipping it into chocolate. this may seem easy but these little blobs are rather buoyant, so once they go face first into the chocolate bath, they pop right up and that fluff starts to wiggle away from the wafer. then you get fish it out of the bath and make sure that the fluff stays upright on the wafer. it definitely takes talent, but no matter what, these treats are certainly delicious. before they harden, sprinkle them with coconut flakes, sprinkles, or whatever your heart desires to give it that extra touch. (ok, apparently coconut flakes are the only acceptable topping according to my danish blog editor, but i say, hey, be creative and give it a personal touch :))
anyway, as part of our department social/spend quality time outside of work together, we got to go to a chocolatier and make these flødeboller ourselves. it was definitely tons of fun, especially since i have always loved baking and have always wondered what it would be like to be a pastry chef. well, it is hard work, but i definitely recommend it and maybe one day i will be brave enough to try this at home.
check out the pictures of my mad skillz.
piping away
dipping, fishing, and sprinkling
final product. mmm...
mmmm. i want one :)