so now that spring is *fingers crossed* around the corner, it is time to buckle down and start on my diet. i keep say "diet starts on monday", but this time i mean it. i can't be wearing my winter coat of fat for as long as i did last year, so it is time to say goodbye to all the sweet treats and fatty delicacies.

the past 2 weekends have been uber cold, but also very sunny and it is time to take advantage of it. morten and i headed out for a walk to the bookstore to buy me a "500 cupcakes & muffins" book (yes, i am definitely on the right diet track...). and what better way to celebrate all the options, than to buy our own muffins on the way home. the choice is tough when it comes to lagkagehuset (pronounced: laow-kaaayy-hoos-it -- hey! why all those g's?) we decided on rhubarb muffin & a carrot cake muffin, and headed to the botanical gardens to enjoy them in the sun.
this was my first time in the botantical gardens, and even though everything was dead and/or frozen over, it was still nice to escape the city in such a beautiful setting. now i can't wait until spring/summer when it all comes back to life again.
saturday evening morten and i got to enjoy one of my christmas presents -- tickets to hear band of horses! this was my 3rd time seeing them play live and it was the best, most likely because now i know most of the songs by heart. we started out the evening with dinner at 2 of morten's friends' apartment. it was so nice and hyggeligt and i really enjoyed feeling part of the conversation and evening. there are times when you feel a bit on the outside when you are a foreigner surrounded by people that know each other, but morten's friends aren't that way :) so after dinner, we headed to the concert, got some beers, found a good spot and enjoyed the music. here are some highlights:
evening kitchen opens the show -- so beautiful
rocking out
the projections coupled with the music are always spot on
after the concert we headed out into the arctic air and biked to a party in nørrebro. it was a great end to the evening and the birthday cake was delicious :)
so on another note, morten and i are getting very excited about looking at apartments in atlanta and will be putting our names down on a waitlist. it's really making this feel more real, which is both exciting and terrifying. it will be a huge change for the both of us, but it is nice to know that we will be doing it together. aaand, we are working on our spring USA trip details, and i think we will be able to squeeze a trip to atlanta into the plan so that we can see the city we will be moving to and get even more excited about it! :)
well, that's all from here. maybe i will sneak in 1 last cookie before the real diet starts tomorrow...